速報APP / 健康塑身 / AA Speakers Best Of 2014

AA Speakers Best Of 2014





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Northamptonshire UK

AA Speakers Best Of 2014(圖1)-速報App

12 Hours of powerful shares from 15 different occasions and insights from various conventions and conferences of Alcoholics Anonymous:

* Winter Steps Series

AA Speakers Best Of 2014(圖2)-速報App

* Gopher Roundup

* BRC Speakers

AA Speakers Best Of 2014(圖3)-速報App

* Central Orlando Saturday Nights

Speakers include: Butch M, Evan R, Michelle R, Melaine R, Peter M, Bubba B, Lori P, Chris S, Astrid H, GW.

AA Speakers Best Of 2014(圖4)-速報App

Includes all AA literature:

* The Preamble

AA Speakers Best Of 2014(圖5)-速報App

* AA Singleness Of Purpose

* Chapter 5: How It Works

AA Speakers Best Of 2014(圖6)-速報App

* 12 Traditions

* The Promises

AA Speakers Best Of 2014(圖7)-速報App

* AA Yellow Card

* Just For Today

AA Speakers Best Of 2014(圖8)-速報App

* Serenity Prayer

* Sobriety Calculator

AA Speakers Best Of 2014(圖9)-速報App

* Big Book First 164 Pages